So you want a Koi pond? Good choice, they are among the most beautiful and interesting fish you can keep. We are all Koi enthusiasts at Kent Aquatics and we take great pride and enjoyment out of building clients a spectacular Koi pond. We can manage every aspect of your Koi pond, from design construction, choice of filtration, lighting, planting and even choosing you some great Koi for you to keep. Once installed we can advise you on any problems you encounter and offer comprehensive maintenance services if and when you need them. The first thing we recommend you do before anything else is to get in contact with us to arrange a free consultation. We will discuss all aspects of owning a Koi pond and help you decide on what is best for your garden. 

Koi ponds can be expensive but we believe there is a Koi pond design that can suit any budget. We have installed ponds at a fraction of the costs of some ponds we have encountered and the Koi grow just as big and healthy and the water is as crystal clear. Each pond we build is unique and we put a great deal of emphasis on getting a design that best suits each clients needs. We have many years of retail experience so we know which filter, pump and other equipment will best suit your needs saving you cash on unnecessary purchases along the way. We set ourselves high standards for customer satisfaction and will not hurry the project making sure the final result is something that will develop and grow, giving you enjoyment for many years. 


By combing natural stone and planting a Koi pond design does not need to be a simple raised rectangular pond devoid of natural beauty. The principles are the same of good filtration, preferably bottom drains and lots of open space but by including natural filtration techniques and by creating refugiums for pond life you can create Koi ponds that have their ecology which can improve the water quality, Koi health and also look great. We create "Bio-edge" living borders to the pond so the plants are safe from hungry Koi. The rocky edges can lead to bog gardens, reed beds, streams and waterfalls. The plants and wildlife will thrive away from hungry mouths but will also feed the koi when they enter the pond. Examples below and in Portfolio.