Bring nature back into your garden

Control Garden Pests...


We can transform a corner in your garden..

...into a haven for Wildlife

You can help secure the future of our native spiecies

It has never been so important and beneficial to give nature a home in your garden. The threat to our native species is growing daily with the loss of natural habitat. We can all do our bit to aid the survival of nature in our neighbourhood and installing a wildlife pond can greatly assist the creatures that live in our gardens. The increase in biodiversity that can be seen in gardens when a wildlife pond is installed is remarkable. The increase in nature can also benefit your garden plants as many garden pests can be controlled naturally once amphibians can forage in your garden knowing they have a safe aquatic environment to return to.
At Kent Aquatics we can install wildlife ponds for any budget. Installed with an emphasis on good design so they not only benefit the wildlife but also provide an interesting focal point for everyone to enjoy. We can also maintain your wildlife pond, so it does not become overgrown with plant species dominating it thus allowing it to establish while still looking beautiful.

Also see our WATER GARDENS